Create a company profile
Create a company profile
Alfred offers companies the ability to create an unlimited number of company profiles.
Company profiles can therefore either be companies and/or business units.
Each ad is connected to a company profile.
A company profile is created with the following information:
Id no./SSN: (optional) Enter the SSN if invoices are to be addressed to a different company than the one listed in Settings.
Logo: The logo of the workplace needs to be uploaded in image format such as jpeg or png. Keep in mind that the logo is always displayed against a white background.
Cover photo: The best size for a cover image is 1,200 x 600 px. The image appears in all jobs listed under the logo and in the company profile. It is often an image the reflects the essence of the company.
About: Short, descriptive text about the company.
Further settings (optional):
Email address for receiving invoices: You can have invoices to a specific brand sent to a different recipient than other invoices.
Divisions: You can add departments to a company profile. Divisions are used when a company wants to receive separate invoices for e.g. a the marketing department and production department. Divisions can be used if a company wishes to have a special vendor number assigned to invoices.
Connections with other company profiles: You can link other company profiles so that all jobs listed in those workplace profiles will appear on the main workplace profile.
Complete company profile
Click Complete company profile and add pictures and other information on your profile. Your company profile includes information about your company and your active jobs.
View Alfred's company profile.
Uppfært þann: 13/03/2023
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