Fill out your Alfred profile
Sign up / Register In order to create an Alfred profile, you need to log in here. Alfred profile The profile contains the main information about you that companies need in order to evaluate you as an employee. Below we go over what can be registered in Alfred's profile. We recommend that you make your profile 100% because it increases your chances of landing the dream job. 40% Basic information (name, photo, email address, phone number) 10% About meNokkrir lesendurI'm looking for a job
Alfred is an advertising platform for companies looking for employees and a website/app for people to find & apply for jobs. It is not a hiring agency. We recommend that you browse our website ( or download the Alfred app. There you can log in, fill out your profile and upload attachments such as CV and cover letter. After that you can apply to jobs with our website or app. You can of course browse all our avaFáir lesendurApplication guidelines - Nice to know
Alfred is ready to assist you in your job search. Here are some essential tips to consider before submitting your application. Are you searching for the right job? Set your Job Watch preferences to receive messages about suitable jobs. Suppose you find that Alfred is suggesting jobs that don't match your needs. In that case, you should update your preferences, for example, by selecting relevant job tags and locations. Read the job ad through Please make sure to carefully reFáir lesendur